
GameSpoon - Call of Duty 4 vs. Halo 3

GameSpoon - rant

I have to say, Halo 2 is the game that started multiplayer for me. Obviously, it wasn't the first multiplayer experience for me, but this game started it all. Needless to say, the anticipation for Halo 3 consumed me and my expectations were extremely high. So, what happened? I don't think that I am the only person to feel burned by Halo 3. After dedicating myself to the first two Halo releases, I found the third release to be slightly disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I love Halo - including Halo 3 - but it caused me to miss out on one helluva great multiplayer game, COD4.

I LOVE Call of Duty 4. It has the best multiplayer experience that I have ever played, very intuitive and balanced. One thing that always irked me with Halo 3 is the leveling system. I understand the Bungie really tried to create a balanced gameplay with their own leveling system, but it never made sense to me. Here is why: what good is it to have a different level for each ranked game variant? The gameplay is universal. How could it be balanced if you are a noob playing Lone Wolf for the first time, let's say you are a level 5. But most of your opponents, who in Lone Wolf are also level 5's, but in Team Slayer, these opponents are level 35. Level 5 vs. Level 35s...how is that fair or balanced? There is hope though, word on the street is that Bungie is taking notes and perhaps Halo 4's multiplayer will dominate! We'll see...