
ConspiracySpoon - The Large Hadron Collider

Buried 300 feet below Switzerland rests The Large Hadron Collider, waiting to be activated on Wednesday. Once turned on, the plan is simple: fire beams of protons in opposite directions around a seventeen mile circle. Once they collide--crossing the streams, as it were--the results will give scientists a greater insight into the creation of the Universe.
By essentially recreating the millisecond following the Big Bang, mankind will be granted a greater understanding of how the universe works. There are even theories that this could prove the existence of alternate dimensions.
You read those last two words right--Alternate Dimensions.
That's where my red flag goes up.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm all about this technology. This is the technology that could potentially lead to faster than light space travel--greatly improving space exploration.
All good things, right!?
BUT...isn't this the technology that caused the problems in Doom?
Remember Event Horizon? I do. That was scary as shit.
The scientists have released more than enough statements saying that all of our fears are absurd. Saying that there is NO WAY that this device, once activated, would create a Black Hole that would swallow the Earth.
How do you know? You've never f'd with this damn thing before!
What if we turn this thing on and a Balrog climbs out of the abyss!?
What if the technology merges and we have Faster Than Light Balrogs!?
A worthy opponent, yes, but how the F do we stop something like that!?

This entry was labeled ConspiracySpoon; I'm not going to get too deep into it. There are a lot of theories out there. We'll get our first taste on Wednesday.

I'm not saying we shouldn't go forward.

I want Faster Than Light Travel as much as the next wide eyed idealist.

I'm just saying that if we experience Hell On Earth starting Wednesday, I want you all to have expected it.