
FlickSpoon - Iron Man 2

Jon Favreau, director of Iron Man, seems to be enjoying the attention he's getting these days. He can't stop talking about the sequel. Even though things were rocky in the beginning, Favreau and Paramount have ironed out their problems and gotten to work on the highly anticipated follow up set for a 2010 release.
In a recent interview, Favreau did confirm that they are "thinking" about having the Mandarin as the primary villian--although he was hesitant to make it 100% because he's not sure how the mystical origin would fit into the new HiTech world they have created. The entire cast is coming back and Terrance Howard may step up to the plate as War Machine like in the "Devil In A Bottle" storyline from the comics (Pops could tell you more about that than I could).
He also addressed the crossovers that have been happening in the recent Marvel flicks--Sam Jackson in Iron Man, Downey Jr. in Hulk, etc. He said that Captain America and the Incredible Hulk can fit easily into the world he is crafting; Thor, however--also coming out 2010--is a little different.
At any rate, audiences worldwide will be looking forward to the sequel that will inevitably be bigger in every way.

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