
TubeSpoon - Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Not everyone watches Terminator: SCC, so I'll keep this brief yet detailed. The events of the whole show take place a few years after T2; if you don't know what happened there or don't know who Sarah or John Connor are, you may as well move on from this review.

Quick 411. A sexy female Terminator named Cameron has been sent back to protect John while a muscle bound--more traditional--Terminator named Cromartie is sent to kill him.

Sarah, understandably, doesn't trust Cameron but they need her help to track down a newly developed form of Artificial Intelligence currently used to play chess. This chess playing computer will one day become SkyNet. (If you don't know what SkyNet is, you should have bailed with the rest of the readers in the first paragraph.)

Season One ended with John and Cameron seemingly falling in love. Like Arnold from T2, she has developed feelings, learned the meaning of love, yadda yadda. Sarah still doesn't trust her for shit.

Then BANG Cameron was the victim of a car bombing.

Tonights premiere dealt with the immediate aftermath. Cameron emerged from the flames and her programming was reset to kill. As a result, we were treated to an incredibly action packed episode. Sarah and John can't simply run from Cameron because she knows literally everything about them--bank accounts, weapon caches, safe houses, etc.

John knows he has to destroy her. Sarah is struggling with the fact that she is forcing her son to lose his humanity.

For those who have Tivo'd or DVRd the episode, I will stop the review there. Other treats were tossed into the show as well. We were introduced to a harsh, powerful CEO of a technology corporation--played by Shirly Manson of Garbage--who is intent on fast tracking the A.I. division.

She has a secret that Terminator fans will love.

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