
RantSpoon - McNuggets

WTF People.

So last night, like every night, I was hungry. However, unlike most nights, I didn't have any food at the place - no time for groceries Dr. Jones. Thankfully, to my delight, there is a McDonalds close by. So the wife and I headed out the door, in pursuit of the mighty McNugget.

We pull up to the drive-thru and everything went wrong. My brain failed me, my past ordering-experience meant nothing to me at that moment, I was in a state of panic. In my state of distrot, I said "6-piece McNuggets and a cheeseburger!" Instantly, I cooled-down, gain control over myself and felt smug over the thought of my upcoming meal venture. Meanwhile, the wife - calm, cool and collect - politely orders the "4-piece" McNuggets.

I realized that I actually wanted the 4-piece and pondered where I got the concept of a 6-piece. "Was it old menu item I used to order?" I thought to myself, "did I just rattle off the first thing I saw on the drive-thru menu?" I had no answer to justify my order. I decided to just let it go.

We picked up our order and started our journey home. Before getting back to the place to sit down to a nice, elegant meal infront of the TV - Family Guy, baby - I took a look at the receipt...

4-piece McNuggets = $0.99
6-piece McNuggets = $3.10!! what the hell?!

Two extra friggin' nuggets cost and additional $2.11!! So, if I were to have ordered THREE 4-piece McNuggets, for myself, that would have only cost $2.97 before tax. That'd be a total of 12 nuggets for LESS THAN the cost of 6 nuggets!

McDonalds, why?

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