
TechSpoon - 4th Gen iPod Nano: Redundant?

Um, cool? I guess. This is obviously for people who don't trust the iPhone to handle their music capabilities. This simply feels like a novelty--like buying the Touch (ZING!). The new (and random) aerodynamic design of the Nano is intended to aide pretentiously long playlists and the browsing of said lists.

In addition to the new compressed cyclinder shape, the Nano will come in a wider variety of colors...you know, for the hippies. Up to 16 gigs of storage will be available and a new Genius Playlist option that allows faster On The Go Playlist creation.

Ready for the icing, babies? The new Shake To Shuffle option.

Are you f'ing kidding me? Look at that. What am I, an asshole? I'm gonna sit there and shake my iPod NANO to give me a better selection of music!?

No. I'm not.

Everyone over the age of sixteen is rolling their eyes right now.

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