
FlickSpoon - Coen Bros. Are #1

Congrats to Minnesota born Ethan and Joel Coen for scoring their first #1 weekend. Loved and respected worldwide for their smaller independent efforts (Fargo, O Brother Where Art Thou, etc.), their stock went through the roof when their unstoppable force 'No Country For Old Men' won them Best Director and Best Picture oscars.

Now, while they are currently in Minneapolis filming 'A Serious Man', they have scored their biggest opening weekend of their careers with 'Burn After Reading'.

The story of two idiot (what the Coens do best) gym employees who attempt to sell a disk of governement secrets grossed an estimated $19.4 million. With the help of stars George Clooney and Brad Pitt, the $37 million movie should have no problem finding profits in the weeks to come.

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