
ConspiracySpoon - The Large Hadron Collider UPDATE


Just a friendly FYI people - the end of all that we know Large Hadron Collider successfully fired a proton beam through their 17-mile underground facility of death today.

You know, I can understand that scientists want to study the universe and its origins, but where are the limits here. I have never in my life come across news articles regarding scientific experients...or ANYTHING for that matter...that contain phrases such as:

"The start of the collider — described as the biggest physics experiment in history — comes over the objections of some skeptics who fear the collision of protons could eventually imperil the earth.

The skeptics theorized that a byproduct of the collisions could be micro black holes, subatomic versions of collapsed stars whose gravity is so strong they can suck in planets and other stars."
By ALEXANDER G. HIGGINS, Associated Press Writer - Yahoo News

Imperil the earth. You can't get much worse than that, I guess. We'll see how this all goes down. I'm sure we can trust the nuclear physicists, but here's a question:

Would they have really pulled the plug on a 3.8 BILLION dollar experiment?

When that kind of money is involved, logic and reason are usually tossed out the window and all that is left is greed.

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