
GameSpoon - iPod Touch...best gaming device, eh?

GameSpoon...or would this be GadgetSpoon? - Industry News


Mr. Steve Jobs has announced that the iPod Touch is the best gaming device for the portable market - better than the DS and PSP. Technically speaking, yes, he is correct about that, but will it catch on?

The PSP is superior to the DS, technically speaking, but the DS is the greatest selling handheld gaming device in history. Technology is very important to the growth and development of the gaming industry, but it does not encompass everything; the quality of the game is not just measured by the level of graphics the game can provide, the gameplay itself is more important.

As an iPhone user, I know that the iPhone itself, has changed my own perspective of a "cell phone." The iPhone is NOT a cell phone - it is a computer; hands-down. It's just a really small computer.

I have no doubt in my mind that the iPhone/iPod Touch will simply fade away; I strongly belive that it could develop into a gaming device that could dwarf the technological boundaries that hold the DS and PSP back. Once again, how could the DS and PSP hold up against a full-fledged computer! However, will this take off?

Steve Jobs targets the iPod Touch - not the iPhone. Why? They are the same devices? In fact, the iPhone is superior to the iPod Touch in that it can actually make phone calls. I'll tell you why he targets the iPod Touch - because you don't need a 2-year contract to own one.

Maybe not today, maybe not this week, but very soon, the iPod Touch could be the next big handheld device. After all, a number of major developers are supporting the iPod Touch/iPhone - EA for example. Also, there have been developers who have started their own companies based around the iPod Touch/iPhone. It is safe to say, with Developer support like this, the iPod Touch and iPhone as gaming devices will not fade away...Nokia N-Gage anyone?

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