
GameSpoon - The Force Unleashed DLC

Fantastic news from Kotaku...well, at least I think so! The (amazing) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed will have DLC available for it soon. What will this encompass?

New Campaigns and New Characters!!

This is fantastic news. According to Kotaku, LucasArts plans to release four new characters and a campaign mode that is set in the Jedi Temple. The DLC will be available for both the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3.

This begs the question, "when?" Answer: the coming months. I know, I know, but in the next month, LucasArts will be releasing some different content - new costumes and charater models that are fashioned after Luke Skywalker, "help me" Obi-Wan Kenobi "you're my only hope," Ki-Adi-Mundi and Kit Fisto.

Read more here and big thanks to Kotaku!

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