
TechSpoon - Symantec on 60 Minutes

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This is worth watching, gain some insight into internet security. It's important to stay protected, the web is like the wild west and you wouldn't leave your house without your Colt Peacemaker would you??

Apparently, CBS has made a few reporting errors and perhaps that is why the video was taken down.

While watching the original video, the "Russian gangs" of...kids...really stood out to me. I couldn't help but think, "bull shit."

Explain this - the US has the greatest education system in the world. I find it hard to believe that 14 year old geeks from Russia are out-smarting professional geeks in the US that have Masters and PhDs in Engineering and Computer Science. I don't find it difficult to believe that some extremely intelligent kid could create some sophisticated programs, but the photo of these "Russian gangs of kids" that CBS displayed gave me reason to doubt it. I guess I was on to something, along with a lot of other people. Apparently, CBS reported some incorrect information about those kids.

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