
TechSpoon - Google's new tech! CADIE and Chrome in 3D

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Thanks for all the hard work and innovation over the years Google. I really feel like it has come down to this outstanding piece of software that will revolutionize the way we, humans, interact with technology.

Thanks to the enginerds at Google, we now have the ability to access the following technology:

Google CADIE - Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity. The "world's first "artificial intelligence" tasked-array system" (google).


Google Chrome with 3D - we'll never look at the web the same way again, because we'll be looking at it in 3D!! YEAH!

I'm sorry, I can't even begin to describe the greatness of these technologies. Please visit the following Google links to learn more about this exciting new technology:

Google CADIE introduction

Google CADIE Homepage - a lot of information here!

Google Chrome in 3D


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