
JapanSpoon - killer foot massage machine

Why the hell didn't anyone alert me of this story earlier!?

Here's the situation: three people were killed by a foot massage machine in Japan! It is sad to hear about anyone losing their life, but man, what a way to go.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "how the hell did a foot massage machine turn into a foot massage killing machine?" Apparently, user error is too blame. These three individuals - (aka targets of a ninja disguised as a foot massage machine) - used the product, which was meant for their feet, on their necks and shoulders. What happened was that the rollers in the machine, grabbed a hold of the shirt and strangled the individuals. In all honesty, that is sad news. The engineers who developed the product, should have accounted for something like this in their design. But seriously, "killed by a foot massage machine" - wtf?!

Thanks to Gizmodo for the story.

1 comment:

Sheran said...

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