
RandomSpoon - End of the World?


So CNN.com posted a story regarding the upcoming "end of an era," December 21st, 2012 - a date, that for some, marks the apocalypse.

Historically, seemingly every generation of people have had their own apocalyptic date; early Judeo-Christians called that situation the "second coming of Christ." Even the Apostles who knew Jesus, were convinced that the end was near, that Jesus would return during their life-time. Well, historically, every single generation has been wrong. The apocalyptic religious branches have always been wrong. So why does this particular date matter and scare the hell out of a lot of people? Because of the history of that date and the mysteriousness of the Mayan culture.

To the Mayan's, the end of this era is 12/21/2012; though some scholars believe the actual converted date to be 12/23/2012 (CNN.com). Regardless, there is something very peculiar about this verses the Christian-based apocalypic relgious sects. Unlike like a system founded in simple belief, the Mayans used their advanced knowledge of science, mathematics and their understanding of the universe to come up with this date. To the Mayan's, this date didn't seem to represent the end of all things, but a new beginning, a new era. Science may have led the Mayans to pick this date, but who can say forsure that the individuals involved with the creation of their calendar-system didn't get tired of mathematical equations? After all, isn't time infinite; can infinity theoretically end? Or is it possible that the Mayans knew something that we do not? There are many things the ancient civilazations had an understanding of, that we modern human beings have no knowledge of; perhaps this is one of those situations.

December 21, 2012 - is it the end of a 5,126 year "Mayan era" (CNN.com) or is it something more disasterous? All we know is a simple fact: our generation will experience this date and it will either pass without a change or something, whatever that may be, will happen. Regardless, it's beyond our control and time is ticking!

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