
GameSpoon - Kotaku: How to throw a gamer party

This article is rad! Honestly, it really is. Kotaku's AJ Glasser, basically covers proper etiquette for hosting a (gamer) party. The suggestions/recommendations are rules to live by for those of us who like to have people over for gaming. It's a more formal approach to having a great time - covering prepartion, host duties and attendee-behavioral expectations.

The really fun gaming parties that I've attended, usually involve a fighter (Street Fighter), a FPS (Halo) and some wicked Rock Band. Two-player games are great, but anything that can incorporate at least four-players is better - the more gaming available for people, the better. After all, it's a gaming party, they should game! Sorry hosts, but the friends that you invited have "playing priority."

Read the full article here, at Kotaku.

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