
GameSpoon - New Xbox Experience

It's finally here! The moment you've been dreading/waiting for! Well, I'm sure most of you are well aware of the significant user-interface changes for the Xbox 360, dubbed the "new xbox experience," so I'll save you the trouble of going into depths as to what some of these changes include. Here's an overview:

  • Blades are gone...or are they? - They were actually moved to the Xbox Guide (the menu that pulls up when you click the "xbox" button).

  • Avatars - Well, what can you really say about that? Time to make some messed up looking characters.

  • Parties! BYOB - Party Chat is finally here, thank Christ. Up to 8 people can chat in one channel now...that means, your entire Halo 3 Big Team Battle team can communicate without having to touch the frickin' d-pad. Think of the glory! GLORY, DAMN IT, GLORY!! *fade to black*

  • Play From Your Hard Drive - Finally, a solution to the problem of the EXTREMELY LOUD disc drive, that I love so much. I think mine has gotten worse...No more! You can download your games to you HDD. Not enough space? No worries, just delete the game you aren't playing! Also, load times will be quicker.

  • Netflix - This is going to be sweet! Stream flicks, including HD (I believe); however, you need to have a Netflix subscriptiong w/unlimited streaming.

  • and a ton more...

If you want to learn more, check out Xbox.com; sttraight from the source.

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