
FlickSpoon - Who is your pick for "Best Movie Villian [whos name isn't Darth Vader]"

Who do you not want to ef with? Who would you fear looking at the wrong way? Who would be the ring leader of the biggest, evilest, crime syndicate around. The answer, my friends would probably be Darth Vader. Seems pretty obvious, at least to me.

Then I thought about this: If Darth Vader was the boss of an Italian mob family, who would be his go-to guys. His Capos who would live and die by his words.

Here is what I came up with:

Vilos Cohaagen.

Vader's Number 2.
Cohaggen proves to be the best right-hand man for Vader. What better way to destroy your enemies than cut off their air supply?

Shooter McGavin

Vader's Action Man
Shooter McGavin will do anything to win; whether it be to buy your grandmothers house or pay a jeering fan to throw you off your game, Shooter has the resources and the drive to ruin your day.

Ernie "Big Ern" McCracken

The weasil
Ernie McCracken will be your best friend, then betray you in the blink of an eye. Big Ern is a winner, and lives a winners life. Oh! and he has the balls to fuck your mom and tell you all of the details.

The Evil Lucas Barton

The young up-and-comer
A true intimidator. Lucas has all of the tools to be the best; the looks, the money, the power glove. Focused and determined, Lucas will use the resourses around him to win. Remember, he DID hire private investigators to dig up some dirt on young Jimmy, his strongest competition.

What are your thoughts. If Darth Vader was a mob boss, who would be his four Capos?

**Note: this list was compiled of all original movie characters; Movies based on comic books or video games do not apply

1 comment:

SpoonRock said...

That dude from Temple of Doom...cover your heart