
Gamespoon - Johnny Chung Lee; The future of gaming?

SpoonPops turned me on to this a while back now. How many times have you played games like Halo 3, where your character is hiding behind a wall and you are physically trying to look around the corner? Well, I know this has happened to me, and this has clearly happened to Johnny Chung Lee. Only I can't do crap about it, because I don't know crap about programming. Well guess who does? That's right, Johnny Chung Lee.

And now if you hadn't had enough, and looking for something a little bit more futuristic, watch this:

"Now, if your fingers are anything like mine, they don't emit very much infra-red light; they're made of skin!". Ah Johnny, a programmer and a master of anatomy.

So, if you know anything about electronics, get yo-self over to Radio Shack and spend yo-self $20 and make one....... and invite me over to play with it.

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